Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I just signed up to participate in National Blog Posting Month, which is November. "All I have to do" is post everyday during the month. I will be posting both here and on the NaBloPoMo site on a seperate blog, which should be fun. I'm using the blog on that site to post about my *current* dog Roxie, because she is just hilarious and I can't post too much about her on this blog, because it's all about the book.

Of course, after I signed up I remembered that Jim and I are going away for 5 days mid-month. How am I going to manage that one? Hmm. I may have to write some short posts early and ask Julie to throw them up. (Not literally: gross!)

If you're interested in joining NaBloPoMo, click on the link I just installed at the bottom, right-hand side of this page. And add me to your friends list! On NaBloPoMo my user name is Remembering Ruby. Creative, huh? (Workin' it...workin' it!)

If you are a NaBloPoMo member and stopped in to check this blog out, welcome! Please leave a comment and identify yourself...I'd love to meet you!