Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Wait Continues...But It's Not So Bad.

Still no author copies in the mail yet, but progress is being made in other areas...Amazon removed the 9-12 age group from the listing, and now the cover photo is on both the and the listings. This is a really exciting time for me, for many reasons:

1. (This is my "oldest" reason:) I have wanted to publish a book since I was about 11, when I was writing a novel called "Patricia" (original, right?) in a blue Mead spiral notebook.
2. Julie and I are finally seeing the results of an agonizingly long process.
3. The reactions of family and friends at hearing the news of Remembering Ruby's publication are so special to me; their enthusiasm gives me the warm fuzzies.
4. As I share the news with people who I don't know quite as well as my inner circle, stories are coming out about their special pets and the great memories they have. It's thrilling to me to share stories and the enthusiasm of others for this book reinforces the fact that there really IS room out there for this book.

I could go on and on...but I've got to get back to work on my marketing! More soon!